Literature Library
Carmeuse Systems General Capabilities
With over 50 years of experience, we understand your application and plant requirements are unique.
End-2-End Services Brochure
As a complete solutions provider, Carmeuse Systems goes beyond just delivering a project. We offer comprehensive support and services to our clients at every step of the process.
Successful Installation for Lime Injection
Carmeuse Systems is proud to announce the installation of state-of-the-art high calcium and dolomitic lime injection systems for Steel Dynamics, Inc. at their Pittsboro, IN location.
The Six Fundamental Factors of Lime Slaking
Learn the six factors that are likely to impact your lime slurry quality. These are the six fundamental factors of lime slaking to keep in mind.
Liquid Lime Slurry Storage Tank
The portable liquid lime slurry storage tank from Carmeuse Systems is a horizontal, carbon steel storage tank, ideal for storing lime slurry received via a tanker truck or as a direct feed via a detention slaker. View the complete Data Sheet.
Lime Injection System for EAF Steel Plants Brochure
In today’s electric arc furnace (EAF) steel plants, operating more efficiently increases the competitive advantage of that plant. One way to improve operating efficiency is through the installation of a lime injection system from Storage & Transfer Technologies (STT), a wholly owned subsidiary of Carmeuse. Our system stands out in the industry through a partnership with Schenck Process
Quicklime, Hydrate or Lime Slurry
When deciding on a lime product for water and wastewater treatment, you have three basic choices: quicklime, hydrated lime or lime slurry. Learn which is the right lime for you.
Lime Slurry Handling: A Good Practice Guide
In this article, we answer some of the most common questions related to the safe delivery, handling and storage of lime slurry at your plant.
Quicklime Feed System in a Box
Learn about this three-piece modular system with a storage silo with a bin vent filter module, a detention slaker module and a slurry storage tank module.