Carmeuse Systems Blog
From selecting the appropriate raw material, to system engineering, enhancements, and maintenance, our teams provide End-2-End support and guidance. We make complex projects seem simple and help our customers every step of the way.

How Can Lime Injection Improve Your Costs
Lime is a critical component in EAF steelmaking, and the method through which it is added to the furnace can directly impact steel quality and your production costs.
High Cal vs Dolime: Best Practices for Lime Injection
Lime injection systems play a crucial role in steelmaking. Here are some best practices for adding high calcium and dolomitic lime with injection technologies.
How Can Our Lime Injection Experts Help You?
Implementing a successful lime injection system requires a focused expertise from raw material handling to delivery.
Improve Slag Formation with Lime Injection
Lime injection technologies can play an important role in good slag formation.
Ready to Talk About Lime Injection?
Injecting lime directly into the furnace via the sidewall enables more precise and effective lime dosing.
Key Considerations for Implementing Lime Injection
It’s important to understand each step in the process, from offload to injection.
Reduce CO2 Emissions with Lime Injection
Lime injection can support your sustainability goals by helping mitigate CO2 emissions in your steel shop.
Reducing Dust in the Shop: How Lime Injection Improves Safety
Adding lime to the bath using scrap buckets, top charged bags or conveyors can pose environmental and safety hazards.
Three Ways Lime Injection Reduces Costs
Lime can have a significant impact on steel quality, metallurgical properties, productivity, and the total cost of production